Who am I?

I'm a Belgian scientific content designer. Passionate about science and visual art, I decided to combine my two passions to help the scientific community to translate their content into clear, accurate, and attractive visuals
After a master's in Biochemistry and Cellular and Molecular Biology, I made a Ph.D. in cancerology. At the same time, I began to form myself in communication and visual art. Then I worked 5 years in Marketing for a big biotechnology company.
Based on this expertise, I created Illumine: a place where I can express my creativity, my passions, and my pursuit of excellence to support the research and science community. 
I use my strong scientific background to understand and translate scientific content into visuals. In addition, I want to bring modern design and communication techniques to science communication. I create visual solutions that reflect all the complexity and singularity of a project to allow you to differentiate and get more visibility. 

My background
From sciences to visual communication​​​​​​​
Why choose illumine?
As a scientist and designer, I offer a unique perspective on scientific illustration. I understand the importance of scientific accuracy, but I also know that a unique and beautiful illustration can help captivate your audience and communicate your message effectively. 
Be Focus on your research, I take care of your visual communication
Be Understood thanks to clear visuals easy to understand at a glance
Be Visible: differentiate from others with clear and eyes-catching visuals
Be Remarkable: stay in memories and get more interactions.
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